Daily Archives: August 23, 2012

I put myself in a pickle….


For pickles!

One of things that I remember about my grandmother is that she made pickles and when I was growing up one of my favorite things to do at her house was to steal the garlic out of the pickle jars. I loved the taste of it and loved my grandma’s pickles.

This past sunday at the farmer’s market my favorite stand had pickling cucumbers and they were only five for a dollar. How could I go wrong at that price? So then I started to look in my cookbooks for pickle recipes and sadly had to turn to the net.

I found the following recipe and created my grocery list. Who knew that you had to buy special salt for pickling?

Pickling is a two day process. The first day you need to soak your cucumbers in a bath salt and let them soak for 12 to 24 hours. I sliced my cucumbers so that they would fit in my jars easier.

Day 2 – Be prepared to spend a little time boiling water. Repeatedly. I had to boil the jars, boil the disks, boil the pickling liquid. I told you there was some boiling going on.  Then once you have filled your jars with your cucumbers, dill, mustard seeds and garlic you need to boil them again to seal the tops.

In the end I have three jars of pickles that I am so proud of. As soon as I poured the pickling liquid it reminded me instantly of my grandmother and the pickles that she use to make.

I still have some jars and the pickling liquid left, so I do believe this sunday I am going to pick up some more cucumbers to make some more pickles.. They have been requested for Thanksgiving dinner.

My first attempt at pickles