Tag Archives: holidays

Thanksgiving count down..


It is that time of year, it is getting cool out, christmas is knocking on our door and you have giving out halloween candy to the little munchkins or zombies as the cause was this year. Since I have moved into my house, thanksgiving has been the one holiday where I didn’t have to travel and I was able to cook for my family and friends.

Now I know you might be thinking.. but you do cook for your family and friends. BBQs and birthday parties are a completely different beast than a thanksgiving feast. Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks and this year, I feel that I have a lot to be thankful for.

During the past few weeks an email has been sent out to the invites. They have picked what they would like to see at thanksgiving and what they are going to bring. This is very helpful to the host because then you don’t have to make everything. What is going to be at my thanksgiving?


Veggie Tray
Fruit Tray
Bread Bowl
Cheese platter


Mulled Cider (with the option of cinnamon schnaps)
Cranberry Lemon/Lime Soda
Red Wine
White Wine


Oyster Dressing
Two kinds of Stuffing
Mashed Potatoes with garlic, rosemary and sour cream
Sweet Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Broccoli Casserole
Cranberry Sauce whole and jellied

Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
It might seem like a lot and it probably is, but I like thanksgiving to be an all day affair that can start at noon and go until six (or more) that night. I love the house full of friends/family, the smell of cooking turkey and laughter.  But how can a host not feel the pressure of thanksgiving? Time management and delegation!
The delegation process has been started and it is four days until thanksgiving. Today, I purchased a turkey that is big enough to feed my people and to have leftovers. That will be hanging out in the fridge until thursday morning.
Monday and Tuesday – I will start cleaning the house so that I don’t have to stress about it too much on Thursday.
Wednesday, I will go shopping for the items I need (I would love to go shopping earlier but pay checks are important for that) and I will make the cranberry sauce. I would also make the pies that night, but this year the pies are in the hands of another.
Thursday.. I will not wake up at the crack of dawn to put the turkey in. This is one of the reasons why I like to eat later in the day. Then I will start getting the apps ready the only thing I will need to cook is the spinach dip I am going to have for the bread bowl. After that it is just prep until I pull out the turkey and load the oven full of the sides.
Something I have learned to help me through the day.. wear sneakers while I am cooking. With my back I have found that it really helps me last longer and not crumple onto the couch after dinner wanting to die.
As the days move towards Thanksgiving I will share some of the recipes that I will be working on. Happy Holidays!
What are you grateful for this year?