Category Archives: BDSM

Going outside of my comfort zone…


For the last six months or so I had been in a relationship with a man that pushed many of my boundaries. One of which was being in a poly relationship. I have never wanted to be in a poly relationship, I am a monogamous person. But I enjoyed his company and I was willing to try it.

What I have learned from that experience is that I do not care to be in a poly relationship. I do not think it is fair or right for someone else to manipulate my time with my partner. While this may not always happen when people are in poly relationships, if people cannot set their jealousy aside and respect if not the other person in the party but their partner’s wants then it can never work.

So I am sure in my believe that I do not want to share my partner. I want him to be with me, and me alone. And the only thing that drags his attention and time away from me is work, family and friends.

Now I am back to being single and trying to find the right person for me.

Bound in Boston


Last weekend Sir and I went to Bound in Boston. We have never been to a rope event before and rope is something that Sir is interested in. While I enjoy rope, there are times when I don’t like waiting for the rope to be done.

So we do a mixture of things like “practice” so that I can watch a movie while he works on his skills and then there is play time. This is great advice that we got from RiggerJay at the Fetish Flea and have put into practice.

BiB was a good mix of Japanese style and quick and dirty ties that I really like because you get to the fun quicker. But what I really like about this event was that we were able to relax, have fun and just be ourselves.

We are very active in our local group and I think that that sometimes can make it so you don’t always get to enjoy the local events that you go to because you are always “working it” in some fashion. So I think that is why we were able to let our hair down at this event. We hung out with friends we normally aren’t able to and were able to make new friends.

Also, because of going to Yoga I was able to get into certain positions much easier than I have in the past. Which surprised Sir and that was fun.

I can’t wait for us to go to the next one. I really enjoyed being tied up in the different styles and our impromptu scenes.