Tag Archives: manners

Manners and being proper..


I know that this is something that has been said for years but it really does feel like good manners and proper etiquette really has left this society. I know that I am old fashioned in this regard. But there are some things that I feel we as a society should not forget..

– If you want to do something with someone. Personally invite them. This really does show that they want you there and does not imply that they are a second thought. For example: if you are having a get together personally invite your friends. Don’t have another guest invite your friends.

-If you are in a meeting and have your phone with you. Do not answer it, and if you HAVE to answer it, take it outside of the meeting. This shows respect to those around you and allows them to continue with their conversation/meeting agenda. If you don’t you now have the whole room hostage in silence because they do not want to interrupt your phone call.

-If you are spending time with someone. Be with them, don’t pay attention to your phone. Face time is important and I feel like people are forgetting to be in the moment with the people they are with.

-Dinner time. Put your phone away. Dinner time is the time and place for you to speak to your family and find out how their day was. It is a time to connect and establish family ties. You can live without your phone for the thirty to forty five minutes it takes to eat your dinner.

If we as a society can remember even a few of these things I think we would all be in a better place.