Tag Archives: packing

My time away from blogging..


In my last blog post I hinted that something big was happening in my life.. well a few weeks ago I purchases my first house! There were a lot of ups and downs and now that the unpacking is settling down and designing and organizing are starting to vamp up I thought I would come on here and give my first piece of moving advice.

1. When packing candles – Place the candles in a gallon zip lock baggie before you pack them. Why, do you ask? Well, I am a yankee candle lover and have many candles. I had a large jar candle wrapped in a towel. When I unwrapped it (after a bit of a hot summer) the coloring leaked from the jar candle onto the towel. So.. learn from my mistakes. Before you wrap your candles in paper or whatever. First place them in a zip lock baggie so that if they do melt and leak, the wax, color and scent stay in the zip lock baggie and not all over your box contents.

More helpful packing, unpacking and home purchasing tidbits to come!

Changes.. Again


I am sorry for the silence during the last few months but it seems that lately every day brings a different change to my life. Since I last wrote, I went from trying to purchase the house I was living in, to moving out in three weeks and staying with friends while I try to find my/our new home.

It has been a roller coaster of an experience and one with a lot of learning with it. House values, taxes, closing costs, trying to find a place that has everything on your list. On top of it all packing up your home and saying goodbye to a place that you thought you would be living in for a long time.

That in itself has turned into a nightmare. Dealing with a person who has never been a landlord before has turned into a hot mess. It makes me realize that I truly no longer want to rent a house or an apartment. I want a place that I can call my own. That after thirty years will be mine and I have something to show for the money I have put into it.

After some searching, I think I have found three potential new homes. Right now I am just waiting a little bit to see what my future holds before I start to make the final decision and start the bidding process. I am not one to make bets, and this whole process of bidding for a house makes me uneasy. But I am being told that it is all part of the game.