Tag Archives: Healing

Just the two of us..


So it has been a little over a week since I have been in Florida and helping my dad after his surgery. It is Sunday, so of course it is football day, and I figured this is the best time for me to spend some time on my laptop because I just LOVE football *rolls eyes*.

My first day in FL, my brother picked me up at the airport and away we went to pick up our dad from the hospital. I still am amazed that a day after surgery he was being discharged, but the nurses I know have informed me that a patient heals better at home than in a hospital. They are less likely to get an infection at home than there as well. I am still not sure how I feel about this.

The first few days were okay, dad was just uncomfortable. Then on Sunday we had to rush to the hospital because he has a complication. That was a rocky and revealing day for my brother and I. After his procedure again, we were heading out of the hospital. I swear, it really amazed me.

Then on Monday night my brother headed out and it was just me and my dad. We have slowly gotten into a pattern. He is still uncomfortable but he is here. So I am okay with him being uncomfortable. Tomorrow, he heads back to the doctors and hopefully, things (a catheter) will be removed and he will be able to start moving about without being in pain.

While I am sad about why I am down here, I am glad that I could be here with my dad. During the last week, I have had a few cooking adventures as well. Soon, I will be posting about my stuffed peppers (I just need to make them right).

Be well everyone!